Essential Step To Protection of Your Rights If You Were Injured In Accident

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, then you must perform 2 acts that do not strengthen the protection of your rights. Still, once you have completed that pair of tasks, then you should feel free to focus on the action that does provide your rights with a larger level of protection.

Steps that do not pertain to protecting your rights

Filing a police report. Call police to the scene of the accident. Later, check to see if the arriving officers submitted a report.

Contacting your own insurance company. This does not protect your ability to seek a fair compensation. It does help to guarantee the company’s willingness to re-issue a policy, when the coverage period for your existing policy has come to an end. In addition, it works to keep your insurance company from raising your rates, if, or when it does re-issue your policy.

Action to take as your next step:

Consult with an Injury Lawyer in Barrie; learn how that action helps you to protect your rights.

How does someone with a personal injury claim gain stronger protection of his or her rights, simply by consulting with a personal injury lawyer?

The consulted lawyer can study your case, and compare it with similar cases that the same attorney has handled in the past. Then the consulted lawyer can provide you, a potential client, with the value of what appears to be a fair compensation. Once you know the value of a fair compensation, then you are less-apt to accept an offer that falls well-below the estimated value of a fair compensation.

Insurance companies often use pressure and intimidation tactics, in order to push a claimant to accept the adjuster’s offer. If you are a claimant, you must find a way to fight such tactics. Lawyers have been trained to defend any client, if an insurance company has chosen to present unreasonable demands.

Sometimes an insurance company tries to settle a case before all the injured victims have undergone a full recovery. Insurers know that an early settlement covers the recognized symptoms of an injury. The amount offered by the insurer corresponds to the established extent of injury for each victim.

If a victim has not fully recovered, the full extent of that same victim’s injury remains yet-to-be-determined. Because the injury’s full extent has yet to be determined, the victim’s compensation should await determination of a fair amount. A lawyer’s assessment should guarantee discovery of the fair amount.

A good lawyer should stand ready to hold-off on settling, until the desired assessment of the offer’s fairness has been completed. By such an approach, the same lawyer should succeed in ensuring stronger protection of the client’s rights.