How Is The Compensation Amount Given Following The Settlement Or Judgment

The legal system allows the injured victim of an accident to seek compensation from the person held responsible for that same accident. The victim’s lawyer normally arranges for the delivery of those particular funds.

Lawyer’s actions, if client has agreed to settle with opposing party

Lawyers for both of the opposing parties report the settlement at the appropriate court. The court issues an order of settlement. The plaintiff’s attorney handles the paperwork. The most important document is the release form. The attorney reads that form, and then, if it is acceptable, gets the client to sign it. Personal injury lawyers in Barrie also handle the paperwork that arranges for reimbursement of the holder of a lien.

Arranging for payment of court-awarded judgment

If the defendant was insured, then the insurance company should pay the court-awarded judgment. Hence, the plaintiffs’ lawyer needs to contact the defendant’s insurance company.

If the defendant did not have any insurance, then the plaintiff’s lawyer has to go after the defendant’s assets. Because that is a challenging task, few lawyers agree to take a personal injury case, if the defendant has failed to obtain insurance coverage.

Sometimes, the plaintiff’s lawyer can locate a 3rd party, a person that was at least partly responsible for the accident that injured the lawyer’s client. In that situation, the 3rd party might be able to cover the cost of the court-awarded judgment. Courts do not take part in the process for reimbursing anyone that holds a lien on the plaintiff’s award. Instead, the plaintiff’s attorney needs to handle that task. A check made out to the amount of money provided by the court gets sent to the attorney’s office.

At that point, the lien holder should have already stated the amount of money that he or she wants. Lawyers frequently negotiate with lien holders before the awarding of a judgment. The lawyers’ strategy focuses on utilizing the uncertainty that exists, concerning the judgment’s possible size.

The plaintiffs’ task

Some plaintiffs have a close relationship with their source of legal support (lawyer). In that case the check from the lawyer’s office might be made out to the client’s nickname. Naturally, that would not be the name on the plaintiff’s bank account.

In other words, smart plaintiffs make a point of anticipating that potential problem. By anticipating that problem, each of them makes sure to share with the appropriate person the name that should appear on any check that gets sent to the plaintiff from the attorney’s office.

Plaintiffs that fail to share that one piece of information simply delay the time when their anticipated funds can be placed in their bank account. Obviously, full and complete performance of the plaintiffs’ task works for their benefit.