Programs And Appeals For Disability Benefits

While you may not need an injury lawyer in Stouffville, in order to apply for disability benefits, or to appeal the benefits you have been awarded, you may want to further understand the disability benefits process to understand your legal rights.

When you have an injury or medical condition that you suffer from, you may find it impossible to perform your job at work or any job. This loss of ability to work can mean no extra income to pay your bills with. While you didn’t ask for this injury, you now have to do something in order to help yourself and your family. When you are applying for benefits, there are a few things you should know:

Sick Pay: Some companies will pay their employees for sick days that they accumulate throughout the year. That is why it’s a good thing that you don’t take your sick days throughout the year for simple illnesses that you choose to stay at home for. You can in most cases save your sick days so they can be taken all at once toward the end of the year.

Short term disability benefits: short-term disability benefits an also be beneficial if its offered to you at work. With this benefit, employees who need to be off work for one to three months can be without losing their position when they come back.

Pension Plan Disability: Some companies will offer this type of planned disability. You will be issued payments through your plan if you qualify and are younger than the age of sixty-five.

Employment Insurance Sickness Benefit: This benefit is helpful if you need a little extra time off of work, up to fifteen weeks. In order to qualify, your income will need to be reduced by 40% and you will need to have worked a minimum of six hundred hours.

Workers Compensation: Through this benefit, you will receive financial and medical coverage should you be hurt at work.

Denied Claim? Appealing your Application

If after you have applied for any type of benefit following the proper protocol and have still been denied for any reason, you want to know what government and insurance providers benefits are available to you and also know how to appeal a claim if its denied.

It is important at this point to have some type of representation in case you may be filing wrong or doing something that would cause your benefits to be denied. Sometimes it is as simple as a paper that needs to be filled out but other times it can be very complex. Having a lawyer on your side will ensure that you are getting the right benefits and the right coverage throughout the entire process. Having someone on your side will help you feel better quicker.