What Explains The Catastrophic Consequences For So Many Truck Accidents?

Trucks that serve as transport vehicle are larger than most family-owned vehicles. Their center of balance occupies a space that lies well above the center of balance for a car or van. Yet those same large top-heavy trucks must travel on the highways, where the drivers feel pushed to keep moving at a high rate of speed. No wonder the truck’s force becomes so great, at the time of its impact with another set-of-wheels.

Types of injuries associated with trucking accidents

• Traumatic brain injury
• Loss of a limb
• Spinal cord injury
• Burns
• Trauma to face or body

Any one of those injuries could trigger tragic consequences for the person that would have to face a lifetime of challenges, and possible roadblocks to advancement within their chosen career path, as per Injury Lawyer in Stouffville.

Exactly how great is the size difference between a truck and a family-owned vehicle?

A truck’s weight ranges from a low of 10,000 pounds to a high of approximately 80,000 pounds. No typical family parks a similar set-of-wheels in the driveway of the family’s residence.

—There may be some communities where families park their RV in the driveway. Still, that action often triggers complaints from neighbors, and could lead to changes in the local laws, regarding what can be parked on a residential property.
—The effect of the weight difference becomes even greater, due to the position of the truck’s center-of-gravity.

The center-of-balance is the center-of-gravity.

A truck’s high center-of-gravity can cause it to bear down heavily on anything that it might hit. That fact helps to explain the tragic outcome of a situation in which an automobile has felt the effect of a truck’s impact.

The drivers of trucks must deal with the existence of a large blind spot.

Unless their vehicle has one of the newer cameras, the drivers lack the ability to see what is behind their truck.

The blind spot’s presence increases the chances for occurrence of an auto-truck collision. Still, the likelihood of a collision grows, if motorists fail to use common sense practices.

For instance, a motorist should turn on the car’s head and taillights as soon as the sun has dimmed at the end of the afternoon. That helps to make the lit vehicle a bit easier to spot.

By the same token, it makes sense to turn on the head and taillights during rainy weather, or during a period of fog. Local governments should also arrange for all signs to get lighted as the appropriate time of day. Moreover, maintenance crews should set aside time for checking on the condition of the lighting elements at any posted sign. The absence of common-sense procedures ought to be viewed as a demonstration of negligence.