What To Do When Plaintiff In A Personal Injury Case Has Suffered Damages

Personal Injury Lawyers in Barrie use the term damages when referring to a plaintiff’s losses. Someone else’s negligence has caused each of those losses.

Examples of things lost by the victim of an accident

Money used to cover the cost of medical care; money that will be needed, in order to deal with expected medical problems in the future

Lost wages; the loss of any vacation or sick time that has been saved up

Lost future income, in addition to a possible loss of earning capacity

Other damages

• Pain and suffering: actual pain, and any level of discomfort
• Mental anguish
• Sleeplessness
• Anxiety

Emotional distress: The plaintiff must have supporting testimony from a professional in the mental health field. A doctor in any field could note the development of an emotional issue in a patient, and then refer the same patient to a mental health professional.

For example, a physician might note the emergence of a phobia in a patient. Perhaps a patient that was in an accident has become reluctant to drive. In that case, the physician might refer the patient with the new phobia to a program that works with frightened drivers.

A possible loss: wrongful death

Some member in the family of the deceased must submit the wrongful death claim. The nature of the losses that have become linked to a wrongful death:

• The medical bills for the care given to the injured accident victim, before he or she died, as a result of the fatal injuries
• Funeral and burial expenses
• Loss of the income from the person that is now deceased
• Loss of companionship
• Disappearance of specific care and guidance

Sometimes a family can get reimbursed for money that has been spent on grief counseling. If a family has experienced distressing grief for a long time, therapy could prove lifesaving. Grief has the ability to effect changes in the body’s respiratory, hormonal and central nervous system.

Family-based psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy is available. The therapist might suggest actions and behaviors that could help either individuals, or the close-knit unit to reach specific goals.

If a child has lost a parent, then teachers and relatives need to watch for danger signs, such as aggressive or hostile behavior. Most adults do not need to consult with a mental health professional. Still, that is not always the case.

Friends and relatives ought to urge someone close to them to seek professional help, if they observe certain behaviors. A person’s failure to show signs of grief should serve as a signal that such help is needed. In addition, someone that has displayed the same level of stress for more than one year, following a wrongful death, should receive encouragement, when seeking some form of professional help.