Accept A Settlement Or Go To Trial?

Settlement of a claim is a formal resolution between the parties before it goes to trial. Contrary to television shows and popular belief, most personal injury claims settle before a trial is necessary. With a settlement, an agreement is reached where the defendant offers the claimant a sum of money in exchange for a release of legal liability. In fact, most cases of all types arrive at resolution out of court. There are a few reasons for this. (more…)

Will The Injury Lawyer Send Notifications To The Parties Involved In The Accident?

While there are quite a few things which need to be accounted for when it comes to personal injury law, notifying involved parties is amongst the most important ones. You don’t really have to know who is at fault – you need to suppose who might have been at fault – it’s as easy as this. However, for the sake of the lawyer will do all to handle as per the industry standards. Working with a personal injury lawyer is undoubtedly one of the things that you should do. With this in mind, there are a few key considerations that you need to account for. Let’s have quick look at the most important factors. (more…)

Claiming Rights And Emotional Damages In A Wrongful Death Case

Even though wrongful death is amongst the most tragic consequences of any accident, there are a lot of things that have to be discussed in order to provide clarity over the matter. The Fifth Part of the Family Law Act of Ontario stipulates that in case death or injury resulted from neglect of a third party, the directly related blood relatives are entitled to seek monetary compensation. (more…)

How To Go About Settling Your Accident Claim?

Typically, there are a few different approaches that you could undertake if you’ve been involved in an accident and you seek to repair damages that you’ve had to sustain. The most common thing that people would think of is to file a lawsuit and let the court handle their faith. However, there are quite a few things that you’d want to account for it. The first thing you should do is to get the medical assistance that you need in order to ensure that your health is prioritized and that you are going to recover. (more…)