Hints That Warn of Possible Cut-Off of Insurance Benefits

If you are receiving long term disability benefits, you should not feel that you are guaranteed “smooth sailing,” until you decide to retire. You can be cut off from those same benefits at any time. Fortunately, you can watch for signs that you might eventually have to deal with that unfortunate development.

At the 2 year mark, you should watch for appearance of a letter.

Once you have been receiving long term disability benefits for two years, the requirements that you must satisfy, in order to remain a beneficiary of payments, change. No longer will the insurance company cover you, if all you can prove is that you lack the ability to do those tasks that had been assigned to you when you held down your previous job. At this point you must prove that you lack the ability to do any job that matches with your training and education.

You ought to be especially wary of one specific offer

You may be offered the chance to take advantage of available testing and training. This offer is not a gift. It is an attempt by the insurance company to show that you have acquired a new skill, one that you can use in a new job. If you have been trained to handle a certain job, then your benefits will cease, because you have the ability to do that job.

Stay alert for certain requests

If you get a request for more documentation of your medical condition, then there is a chance that you might be denied benefits. By the same token, if you receive a request to attend a meeting in your employer’s office, then you might be on the list of those that should have their benefits taken away. Of course, if you have any real grievance, might present it at that time, as long as you can do so tactfully.

Do not turn a deaf ear to the rehabilitation company that is working with your insurance.

That rehabilitation company might try to contact you. If they do make such contact, and such contact has not been made in the past, then you should understand that you have received another hint. That contact should serve as another indication that your insurance company wants to see you back at work.

How you should respond to the various hints

When you get the first hint, meet and chat with Personal Injury Lawyer in Stouffville. Work with that legal professional to diminish the chance that you might be denied benefits. Pay another visit to your doctor, and add another clue to your paper trail. In that way, you will be able to come forward with more evidence of the fact that you are not yet ready to hold down a steady job.