Are Options Available If You Get Injured While Using Public Transportation?

The next time that you get on a public bus, check to see if the company has provided the riders with the identifying number of the bus’ driver. All such drivers do have a duty of care for their passengers. If you were to get harmed, while seated in one of the bus’ seats, you should know the driver’s number.

That is just one of the things that a bus-rider needs to think about, in view of the slim chance that he or she might get injured, while using public transportation. The passengers seated in such a vehicle cannot count on all the other drivers and pedestrians to use the proper amount of caution. For that reason, every passenger should note the number of his or her chosen route and the time when the selected vehicle got boarded. That information will prove of value, regardless of the option taken by any injured bus-rider.

What options does such a rider have available?

Generally, the bus lines operate under the supervision of the City. For that reason, an injured bus-rider might want to consider suing the government. Of course, that can prove to be a real challenge. To begin with, it shortens the time during which a claim can be filed.

Alternatively, the person that got injured while using public transportation might care to sue the company that operates a certain bus line. That would be the one that employs the driver that might be charged with negligence. If that option were pursued, it would be necessary to learn the time limitations established by that same company, in terms of how soon a possible plaintiff must file a lawsuit.

Bus-riders might also watch for changes in the way that businesses get advertised on a given vehicle. Those are the ones that belong to a line that has been sold to a private citizen. Obviously, that private company that owns these could be sued, if a passenger got injured on the line that he or she owned.

How to proceed, after selecting one of the listed options

Anyone that intends to sue a person, a business or an arm of government should have a lawyer. Personal injury lawyer in Barrie can do their best job, when their clients provide them with sufficient evidence. Hence, the injured bus-rider needs to collect and save all the relevant photos, medical records, police reports, receipts of invoices and witness statements.

In addition, the lawyer’s efforts should not be wasted. The lawsuit has to be filed within the time span stipulated by the statute of limitations. If you have been injured, it may seem like each day drags by. Do not get lulled into thinking that time passes slowly. It does not; you must be sure to have your case on file at a local court within the limited time period that you have been given.