What Is The Significance of The Thin Skull Rule

Lawyers have to learn and then remember the principles behind the thin skull rule. That is due to the fact that the thin skull rule was designed by the legal system, in order to limit the various tactics that a defense lawyer can use, during a courtroom trial. It also puts a limit on the methods used by a defense attorney during the negotiations for a settlement, following the filing of a personal injury claim. (more…)

How Do Specifics In Ontario’s Limitations Act Pertain To Children That Were Injured In An Accident?

An adult that has been injured in an accident has 2 years in which to file a claim. The first day of that 2-year period can be one of two possible dates. It could be the date for the discovery that the victim does indeed have a claim. Alternatively, it could be the day when a reasonable person would have realized the wisdom behind filing a claim. (more…)