The Importance of Preservation of Evidence

At times, the pain created by an injury can be so great that its existence seems obvious. Still, the presence of a painful sensation does not become obvious to all those that cross-paths with the person that is experiencing such a sensation. Consequently, personal injury lawyers focus on preserving the evidence of an injury.

How to use photographs as evidence?

It helps to return to the scene of an accident, and to take photographs of evidentiary material. Ideally, this return takes place at a time that is close to the time of the actual accident. Those returning to the site of a vehicle collision should aim for visiting the site on the day of the week when the involved vehicles collided.

Not all of the physical evidence can be placed in a bag and stored for the chance to display it in a courtroom. Photographs can be used to record the presence of certain pieces of physical evidence. For instance, tire tracks can be preserved in a picture. The photographer ought to take a picture of those tracks, or any other piece of evidence from various angles.

Realize, though, that the best picture could prove useless, if it lacked any notation, regarding when it was taken. For that reason, it helps to put a time stamp on any images taken with an iPhone. If you have used a traditional camera, have the date placed on the back of each print.

Other sources of evidence

Statements from witnesses can serve as evidence. Still, the correctness of the facts in such a statement must be confirmed. In addition, a quoted witness ought to get consulted about the correctness of any quote that might get placed with the other evidentiary materials.

A doctor’s report works to provide support for claims about an injury. That fact underscores the reason that accident victims should see a physician as soon as possible, during the 24 hours that follow an accident. The seeming absence of an injury should not get used as a reason for delaying the scheduling of that doctor-patient visit.

Finally, no victim should overlook the fact that he or she can produce a useful piece of evidence. That would be a written account of what the victim has managed to recall. Injury Lawyer in Barrie knows that such a report could work to support a claim that had made mention of any number of pains.

That written note could also be used to jog the victim’s memory if that same victim expected to be repeating the account told authorities on the day of the accident. A victim’s need to retell that story could arise, if either an independent medical exam or a pre-trial discovery session had been scheduled.