Important Steps To Take After A Car Accident

After a car accident, those first few hours can be overwhelming and chaotic. An accident may have not only left you confused but potentially injured. Make sure you take the right precautions after you’ve been involved in an accident. These steps are very important, especially in the case of an injury where you may be pursuing a claim with your insurance company or the assistance of a Stouffville personal injury lawyer.

Stay right where you are. Never leave the scene of an accident. Keep calm and move to a safe area. If you or anyone else is injured, make sure someone has called 911 and the police. Follow any instructions given by the 911 dispatcher. Do not move anyone else who may have been injured as any movement may cause more injury.

If damage to the cars does not exceed $2000, reporting of the accident is not required however this is difficult for the average person to ascertain. You are legally required to report an accident when there is:

● An injury
● Any involvement of government vehicles
● Involvement of a driver who doesn’t have insurance
● Involvement of an impaired driver
● Involvement of a pedestrian
● Any damage to personal or municipal property

For peace of mind, it is always best to report the accident and allow the professionals to determine whether it is necessary or not.

If you are able, engage hazard lights on your car. Take this time to take photos and videos of the accident scene before any vehicles have been moved.

If you are able, take down as much information as possible such as:

● Date
● Time
● Location
● Weather conditions
● Road conditions
● Estimated speed of vehicles
● Description of accident
● Diagram of accident

You will want to be prepared with as much information about the accident as possible to police and insurance companies. The sooner you write these down, the more details you will be able to remember.

Collect the names, driver’s license numbers, tag numbers, phone numbers, and addresses of any other drivers, passengers, and witnesses to the accident.

If you are one of the injured parties, you will want to do the following as soon as possible:

● Notify your family doctor
● Notify your employer
● Notify your insurance company
● Keep receipts and records of all expenses for you and your family related to your injury
● Fill out an application for Accident Benefits. This can be obtained from your insurance company or an employee at the hospital.

When you have been injured in an accident, Accident Benefits will assist you with medical and hospital costs, therapies, and other care involving your recovery such as:

● Medical benefits for treatment, therapy, any medications, equipment, transportation, or housing alternatives
● Attendant care benefits that can compensate anyone providing care to you while you are injured
● Income replacement benefits that will compensate for any income you have lost as a result of your inability to work.
● Visitation expenses that can offset the costs to family members in order to travel to visit you.

There are other benefits that could be available depending on the situation and severity of your injuries.

If you have been injured as the result of a car accident, get the legal advice of an injury lawyer in Stouffville to understand what your rights are. The legal team at Makaronets Law are available for a no-cost consultation. We will even visit your hospital room in the case where you cannot travel to our offices.