Steps To Take After A Truck Accident

After a collision between a truck and a passenger vehicle, the injuries incurred by those involved may be serious. For that reason, it becomes important for the victim to complete all of the proper procedures.

Steps to take at the scene of the accident

The driver should check on the condition of the passengers. Then the drive should make at least two telephone calls, one to emergency and one to the police. By taking such actions, the driver tries to ensure completion of the accident report.

Today, when most people have access to a Smartphone, the person involved in a truck accident should take pictures of the accident scene. Obviously, some of those photographs ought to show the damage to the vehicle. It is also a good idea to have a photograph of any skid marks, if those can be spotted on the road. The accident report does not always give the full story. For that reason, the driver ought to seek out any witnesses, if none have yet come forward.

The driver also needs to get the truck driver’s information. That information should include the driver’s name, license number, license plate number, insurance company, registration information and details on the company that has chosen to employ the truck driver.

Steps to take when away from the accident scene

Every person in the hit vehicle should receive medical attention as soon as possible. That aids discovery of any unnoticed injuries. The driver must act for all the victims. He or she needs to get in touch with the company that insures the damaged vehicle. That same driver should refuse to admit fault or to sign any papers, before contacting a trucking accident lawyer.

The Injury Lawyer in Orillia that has chosen to specialize in such accidents appreciates all the factors that can work to contribute to the circumstances that are associated with a given collision. To those unfamiliar with collisions that involve a truck, the multiple factors can remain unnoticed, and thus, unaccounted for.

Obviously, it makes sense that one or more of the drivers could be held at least partially responsible. Still, actions taken by the shipper of the manufacturer of the shipped item might have contributed in some way to the collision-causing circumstances. In addition, the company that has hired the driver can get held responsible for certain of the driver’s actions.

For instance, the driver might have fallen asleep at the wheel. It could be that he felt forced to deliver a given item at a particular time. Furthermore, it could be that the time for that delivery had precluded the driver’s opportunity to obtain an adequate level of rest. If such a fact can be brought to light, the victim of the accident might manage to get a more substantial compensation package.